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Latest update: Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

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did you know?
Bigger breasts is bigger tips

big breasts

It must be true since mythbusters confirmed it: bigger breasts mean bigger tips. Surprisingly it was the women that spent up to 40% on tips, men 30%. Is it back pain sympathy? Is it benevolent breast theory? We were all fed from them as babies, so we associate them with food, warmth and comfort. Some think it's why McDonald's arches are actually a golden rack.

Interesting in the Mythbuster video: here it is! Looking for something’s that could remind you of food, warmth and comfort? Just scroll down! There are plenty of them to be found on the Hun's... Happy Hunning!


The Hun's Tube Videos 35659

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Fucking, Massage, Big Dick
Thumbnail of Cue My Pussy
Teasing, Pussy, Big Dick
Thumbnail of Oiled Ex
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Thumbnail of Legs For Days
Sexy Teases, Facial
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Toys, Vibrator, Orgasm, Pussy, Cumshot, Fucking, Female
Thumbnail of Babysitter Violet Gems Has A Much Better Job To Give
Swallowing, Babysitter, Cute Little Latina Babysitter, Pussy, Little Latina Pussy, Furry, Car, Tight, Fat
Thumbnail of Hazel Moore
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