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  1. freethinker

    freethinker Pervy Bear

    Aug 17, 2009
    Maybe ol' bonespurs oughta check - neither did the Germans, but we have over 40,000 troops there; and neither did the Japanese, but we have over 50,000 troops there. Duh-duh-duh dumbass.
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    1. Ficxa 479
      They dont wonna be on a loser side.
      Ficxa 479, Oct 11, 2019
    2. anon_de_plume
      Who is they?
      anon_de_plume, Oct 12, 2019
      Josef.K. likes this.
  2. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    1. ace's n 8's
      The Kurds.
      ace's n 8's, Oct 11, 2019
  3. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
  4. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    It's not our war.
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    2. anon_de_plume
      Wow... You missed that whole Iraq war thing where we took out a dictator, leaving a predicted vacuum that was filed by ISIS... Did not know that was not common knowledge... Or maybe just commonly acknowledged...
      anon_de_plume, Oct 12, 2019
      Josef.K. likes this.
    3. ace's n 8's
      Just another false premise that suggests that the death of Saddam created ISIS.

      ISIS has been around alot longer than that, probably 10 years prior.
      ace's n 8's, Oct 12, 2019
    4. anon_de_plume
      You work really hard in ignoring the simple fact that removing Saddam lead to a vacuum that ISIS eventually filled, regardless of long they were in existence prior. We left the door open for them.
      anon_de_plume, Oct 12, 2019
    5. ace's n 8's
      Shifting the goals posts again sugarplum?
      ace's n 8's, Oct 12, 2019
    6. anon_de_plume
      Not sure how I've done any such thing, but if it helps you in your delusion to think this, knock yourself out.
      anon_de_plume, Oct 12, 2019
      Josef.K. likes this.
  5. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014

    Well it will be again soon once ISIS rebuilds it's numbers.

    They were never defeated even though donnie insists they were, .......the Kurds with the help of your recently withdrawn troops were keeping them at bay and imprisoned.
    But now the Kurds will have to take their eyes off ISIS and protect themselves from the Turkish attacks..
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  6. Dobharchu

    Dobharchu Porn Star Banned!

    Jun 23, 2018
    Where were the Kurds at the Alamo?
    • Funny Funny x 5
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  7. freethinker

    freethinker Pervy Bear

    Aug 17, 2009
    Where was ol' bonespurs during Vietnam?
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    1. Truthful 1
      Your wearing that one out . Who is president now ? Lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol Guess what if your people weren't in charge at the time there would have been no Vietnam
      Truthful 1, Oct 11, 2019
      latecomer91364 likes this.
    2. shootersa
      Where was Trump during Vietnam?

      With Clinton.
      Baby sitting Obama.

      What was the question again?
      shootersa, Oct 11, 2019
      Truthful 1 likes this.
    3. Truthful 1
      Oh that's gona leave a scar
      Truthful 1, Oct 11, 2019
  8. freethinker

    freethinker Pervy Bear

    Aug 17, 2009
    Actually, President Trump, some Kurds did fight in World War II
    October 10, 2019 at 2:22 PM EDT

    President Trump has gone to great lengths to defend his decision for U.S. troops to step aside this week as Turkey plowed ahead with an offensive against Kurdish forces in northern Syria, a key U.S. ally in the fight against the Islamic State.

    Trump has acknowledged that the Kurds fought alongside the United States in Syria but said they “were paid massive amounts of money and equipment to do so.” He has tried to justify the move by saying he wants to bring U.S. troops out of endless wars in the Middle East.

    And Wednesday, Trump tried to play down the U.S. partnership with the Kurds even further, saying “they didn’t help us in the Second World War. They didn’t help us in Normandy."

    Those comments confused some observers, who saw the Kurdish role in World War II as irrelevant to the U.S. position on their alliance today. Washington certainly doesn’t shape all of its modern alliances on where a country stood in World War II — with Germany and Japan being the obvious examples.

    And the Kurds do not even have their own nation-state, living instead largely between Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Armenia.

    “It’s a weird framing that doesn’t really make sense historically or politically,” said Djene Rhys Bajalan, an assistant professor of Middle Eastern history at Missouri State University whose research focuses on Kurds at the end of World War I. “Numerous people who didn’t have nation-states weren’t necessarily at Normandy but participated either directly in the war or in terms of providing materials and labor for the war.”

    Some Kurdish fighters were among them. “They didn’t have a state, so they couldn’t act as a state,” said Jordi Tejel, a professor of history at the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland and author of “Syria’s Kurds: History, Politics and Society.” Still, he said individual Kurdish fighters from across the region did join other armies, fighting alongside the British and the Soviet Union’s Red Army.

    There were Kurds who sympathized with the Nazis, seeing them as an anti-colonial alternative to the British or French, Tejel said. But others went to great lengths to counter Nazi influence in the Middle East.

    In 1941, pro-Nazi Iraqi army generals helped launch a coup d’etat, installing Arab nationalist Rashid Ali al-Gaylani as the new prime minister. And it was the Kurds who "played a disproportionately large role in [later] overthrowing that military junta,” Bajalan said.

    In more recent history, Bajalan said, Kurds have pursued friendlier ties with the United States than other groups in the region and “provided the bulk of manpower for the northern front in 2003 during the Iraq War.”

    The Kurdish fighters now facing the Turkish offensive belong to the U.S.-allied Syrian Democratic Forces, a group formed in 2015 to fight the Islamic State. The SDF was created out of a coalition of Kurdish fighters from the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and Arab groups.

    The United States threw its support behind the force, seeing it as crucial in defeating the Islamic State. But Turkey sees the group as a terrorist organization linked to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, which has launched attacks inside Turkey in recent years.

    This week, the SDF’s official Twitter account said 11,000 of its members have been killed in the past five years.

    “There were assurances from the United States of America that it would not allow any Turkish military operations against the region,” Kino Gabriel, a spokesman for the SDF, told al-Hadath TV this week. He went on to describe the U.S. decision to step aside as “a stab in the back.”

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    2. Truthful 1
      Freeloader did you have sir write that one for you ? Dam i miss you nice to see you back .
      Truthful 1, Oct 13, 2019
    3. freethinker
      I missed you like I'd miss the piles. You're a worthless piece of shit with nothing but snide comments and insults, and nothing useful to add to any conversation.
      freethinker, Oct 13, 2019
    4. Truthful 1
      I try to make you understand but you have a mental block . Ill keep trying but educating you has been the hardest job o ever had .
      Truthful 1, Oct 13, 2019
    5. freethinker
      You are 't smart enough to educate a gnat. A pile of shit has more brain cells than you.
      freethinker, Oct 13, 2019
    6. Truthful 1
      You are SiR. No wonder you haven't been around . How'sThe weather in Spain
      Truthful 1, Oct 13, 2019
  9. Rixer

    Rixer Horndog

    Aug 2, 2008
    I don't like the way we abandoned the Kurds after they allied with us and did so much of the fighting in Syria. I believe they were also the ones who told us where Sadaam was, hiding in a hole.
    But in the big picture, I'd rather us be done with this war and stay out of the conflict. We don't need their oil anyway. I personally don't care if they kill each off. No sweat off my balls.
    A funny thing though. It's funny how people follow party line, isn't it? The right wing war hawks are gung ho about going in and kicking ass. But when Trump pulls the troops out, it's the honorable thing to do...
    The peace loving liberals are crying now because Trump pulled the troops out and they're outraged.....

    Ain't life grand.
    • Winner Winner x 3
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  10. BigSuzyB

    BigSuzyB Porn Star

    Dec 11, 2015
    The Kurds have been the hardest fighting, longest suffering allies in the Middle East that USA has ever had. They fought Saddam before the first Gulf war after Desert Shield all through the sanctions and Desert Storm. They fought shoulder to shoulder with American GIs and Marines and never stopped. They muster a force at times of quarter million Peshmerga (those that face death) and they fight hard. Ask a Marine how they feel about abandoning their comrades.The Kurds are the largest ethnic group in the World without a sovereign state. Even while suffering chemical weapon attacks at the hands of Saddam they struggled to build a homeland with hospitals,schools, town halls And a secular society.
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    1. Lioness
      I think it's sad how we are now abandoning them after everything they did to support us in Iraq. I don't know all the history, but it was my understanding that Saddam tried to wipe them out completely along with his own people and they ended up being a buffer between the Shiite and Sunni Muslims and now this...those poor people!
      Lioness, Oct 12, 2019
  11. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Donald Trump has said fighting venereal diseases was his Vietnam. While John Kerry was dodging bullets in the boondocks, Captain Bone Spurs was dodging STD microorganisms.
    1. shootersa
      John Kerry was ass fucking that bitch Jane Fonda in Hanoi.

      Dodging bullets my ass.
      shootersa, Oct 11, 2019
      Truthful 1 likes this.
    2. Distant Lover
      Distant Lover, Oct 12, 2019
    3. Distant Lover
      Our examination found that existing documentation regarding the Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Heart medals indicates the awards approval process was properly followed. In particular, the senior officers who awarded the medals were properly delegated authority to do so. In addition, we found that they correctly followed the procedures in place at the time for approving these awards.

      Distant Lover, Oct 12, 2019
    4. Distant Lover
      The Swift Boaters slandered Kerry because as a leader of the Vietnam Veterans Against The War he drew attention to war crimes committed by American servicemen in Vietnam.
      Distant Lover, Oct 12, 2019
    5. anon_de_plume
      Don't bother trying to educate shooter. It's a fruitless effort...
      anon_de_plume, Oct 12, 2019
  12. BigSuzyB

    BigSuzyB Porn Star

    Dec 11, 2015
    If ever there was a fight in the Middle East worth fighting this is it. There little part of Iraq in the North has more than enough oil to make them easily self sustaining. A free secular, democratic sovereign state of Kurdistan is what should be created. To hell with Erdogan and what Turkey wants.
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    1. BigSuzyB
      *Their little part of Iraq
      BigSuzyB, Oct 11, 2019
  13. BigSuzyB

    BigSuzyB Porn Star

    Dec 11, 2015
    Shame on Donald Trump for being so woefully uneducated and showing the world how much so.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  14. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Abandoning the Kurds reminds me of our abandonment of the boat people after the fall of Saigon. They had fought with us throughout the War. After we hightailed it out of there in our helicopters, they fled what had been South Vietnam in makeshift boats to refugee camps. They were attacked by Thai pirates who stole anything of value from them and raped the women. What did we do about that? Nothing. We should have sent the Coast Guard over there to blow those pirate boats to bits and turn the pirates into shark meat. Then we should have picked up the boat people and brought them home to live with us. I have known Vietnamese war refugees they are good people.

    I think the War in Vietnam was wrong from the start. Abandoning the boat people was the shameful ending of a shameful war.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. BigSuzyB

    BigSuzyB Porn Star

    Dec 11, 2015
    I don’t blame America for what has happened to the Kurds. It is the fault of Great Britain and the Balfour declaration that created Iraq without a separate Kurdistan. That is the root of the problem,same goes for Palestine.
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    2. Pulsar66
      Very small in the British military. Even then!
      Pulsar66, Oct 21, 2019
    3. Pulsar66
      Pulsar66, Oct 21, 2019
    4. Pulsar66
      "What's that about fake/alternative facts?

      I'm not the one often partaking in revisionist history on here."

      Nor am I mate. I fully accept that the partition plan was idiotic. It also flew against promises made to the Arabs regarding their homeland.

      My point is that the Balfour declaration wasn't the route cause.
      Pulsar66, Oct 21, 2019
    5. BigSuzyB
      I can cede that point a take a look at the San Remo conference.
      BigSuzyB, Oct 22, 2019
  16. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007

    The root of the problem is the Muslim love for war. Fortunately, they are not good at it. :smuggrin:
    1. BigSuzyB
      The British learned their lesson when they gave into Zionist terrorists like Menachem Begin and let them have a homeland. If not For WW2 they may have been hunted down and shot. This is why the Palestinians do what they do, because it worked for the Zionists.
      BigSuzyB, Oct 11, 2019
    2. Distant Lover
      Who and what are the Palestinians that they should interfere with the happiness and well being of the Children of Israel?
      Distant Lover, Oct 12, 2019
  17. Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path

    Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path Porn Star

    Nov 4, 2015
    Where were the Kurds when the Westfold fell? Where were the Kurds when our enemies closed in around us??
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path
      I was actually making a Lord of the Rings reference...
    3. Ed Itor
      Than where are they? The state of Israel was made for the day that the 12 Tribes of the Israelites come forward to reclaim the promised land. Israel today is filled primarily with Jews or the tribe of Judah, the other 11 tribes are still mixed in with the world population or if you will faded into history.
      Ed Itor, Oct 13, 2019
    4. Lioness
      Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Bible passages predict the return of Israel to the land of Palestine. Here are only two.

      Ezekiel 20:34 - "I will bring you from the nations and gather you from the countries where you have been scattered -- with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with outpoured wrath."

      Isaiah 11:11-12 NIV - "In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the remnant that is left of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush, from Elam, from Babylonia, from Hamath and from the islands of the sea. He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth."

      Lioness, Oct 13, 2019
    5. Lioness
      The marriage of Israel to Jehovah is seen in promises of God concerning the city, Zion. In her restoration, God will rejoice over the city as a bridegroom rejoices over the bride:

      For Zion’s sake I will not hold My peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, . . . You shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. You shall no longer be termed Forsaken, nor shall your land any more be termed Desolate; but you shall be called Hephzibah [My Delight is in Her], and your land Beulah [Married]; for the LORD delights in you, and your land shall be married. For as a young man marries a virgin, so shall your sons marry you; and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you. (Isa. Isa. 62:1, Isa. 62:3-5)
      Lioness, Oct 13, 2019
    6. Lioness
      Judah means "praise" and Jesus is from the tribe of Judah, the same one King David, one of his ancestors, was from and he established his tabernacle on Mount Zion. You should do a study about the Tabernacle of David and praise and worship.
      Lioness, Oct 13, 2019
  18. Sexykain

    Sexykain Sex Lover

    Aug 3, 2019
    No reason to be there and if we wouldn't import them by the boat load we would have no reason to worry about "terrorists".
    1. Ed Itor
      So you are not Christian/'Jewish' and don't believe in Biblical prophecy.
      Palestinians are not a historical people, they are the drabs of Arabs that none of the Arab world wanted because they didn't fit into the criteria that made up the call of the new nations. Israel agreed to let them stay until the Palestinians could find their root nations.
      Instead of doing that they built homes, towns, etc. In other words they became squatters & cried when Israel tried to evict them. The rest of the Arabs sabre rattled, attacked and were beaten ... badly.
      Israel offered safe passage to the Palestinians to those nations and they were refused by both the Palestinians and the Arab nations who stated that the Palestinians were not compatible with their national objectives.
      So why are they Israel's fault/problem?
      Ed Itor, Oct 13, 2019
  19. Pulsar66

    Pulsar66 Porn Star

    May 17, 2019
    • Funny Funny x 3
  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Turkey opened fire on US Special Forces today.

    So what the Fuck do you great troop supporting Patriots have to say about that?

    That's ok because Trump.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. submissively speaking
      I heard that earlier and thought that would be awfully foolish. Then I went looking for news about it and only found reports that there was bombing in an area in northern Syria where a US outpost was nearby, and no Americans were harmed.


      Do you have different information?
      Arquebus likes this.
    2. Truthful 1
      Stumbles always has different imfo lol
      Truthful 1, Oct 12, 2019
    3. 69magpie
      Let me guess truthless....

      Fox news didn't report on that, so it must not of happened.
      69magpie, Oct 12, 2019
    4. Truthful 1
      To be honest the dhit is boring me fuck the kurds fuck the tuurks , turks suck anyway . If you ever work with any you know what I mean . And they are as dumb as stumbles. I can't imagine them in battle . Get thebone or two smart ones the rest wouldn't wich way to go . Hows that bird. Now fuck them all and bring our men soldiers home to defend this Country
      Truthful 1, Oct 13, 2019
      Arquebus likes this.
    5. Truthful 1
      Im so sick of that entire area , build a wall around the whole middle east and let them exterminate each other . The fucking retarded hateful fuckers . When there done take the oil. So we can all travel inexpensively , There is a lot of nice places to see .
      Truthful 1, Oct 13, 2019